
Is the carbon capture industry measuring carbon without calibrating their instruments?

Is the carbon capture industry measuring carbon without calibrating their instruments?

I'm genuinely excited about the wide range of fields using revolutionary precision we're achieving in carbon capture measurement.

From Oceanography to carbon capture, coulometry is now being used for carbon analysis across the scientific community.

What we're seeing in modern coulometric and NDIR detection isn't just incremental progress - it's a quantum leap in our ability to quantify humanity's impact on our planet!

Let me tell you what's truly extraordinary: UIC Inc.'s coulometric detection systems are achieving precision of 0.4% or better. 

Think about that! 

In a field where every fraction of a percent impacts carbon credit valuations, this level of accuracy isn't just impressive - it's transformative for the entire carbon capture industry.

The physics behind this is beautiful: a perfect one-to-one relationship between carbon atoms and detector response. No calibration needed! For carbon capture startups, this means absolute confidence in your measurements.

Meanwhile, NDIR technology performs its own remarkable feat, detecting carbon at parts per billion levels. The implications for the carbon capture industry are profound:

Key Performance Metrics That Will Shape Our Future:

- NDIR: 3-minute analysis time, perfect for continuous monitoring

- UIC Coulometric Systems: 7-minute analysis time, ideal for verification

- NDIR range: 4 ppb to 3%

- Coulometric range: 0.0001-100 % Carbon

An advantage to coulometry is that water does not interfere with measurements like it can with NDIR.

For those of us pushing the boundaries of carbon capture technology, these measurement capabilities aren't just tools - they're the foundation of a new carbon economy. UIC's systems, in particular, are providing the precision needed to make carbon credits truly trustworthy financial instruments.

The future of carbon capture isn't just about collecting CO2 - it's about measuring it with unprecedented accuracy. And that future is already here!